
TextRealm - What is it?

TextRealm is a web application that allows UH students to buy or post sell textbooks to other UH students. Users are able to create an account, log in, and start searching for textbooks using either the name, author, or the ISBN of the textbook. Each listing will contain information about the textbook including:

Otherwise, they are able to post listings regarding their textbook information, following the format as above. We also included a user rating system, that users can post regarding other sellers in case reliability is an issue.

Behind the Scenes

My contributions to this project included creating the search component that we incorporated into the listings page and also various UI retouches, including CSS element additions to the Semantic UI. I was also in charge of fixing any bugs that would appear after testing certain features and hosting the web application on Meteor.

A Look Back

From this project, I had a lot of experience that I can definitely take from. Not only was this my first big software engineering project, this was the first time I could collaborate with a group and manage a project among them. We primarily met and collaborated on Discord, and helped each other with any parts that required additional assistance. I was truly grateful for having such a great group to work with. I was able to learn about how many of the topics that we learned through the course could contribute to this project and I can see myself using the experience that I gained for future projects. One of the big things I had issues with and learned the most about was the database and trying various methods to get the search feature to work. Hopefully, in the future, I will be more experienced with this aspect, as well as use more of the topics that we learned in this course.

More about TextRealm